The first day of a new and better life.

Today i got a wake up call and i hope it lasts. After spinning at the gym today I took a body analysis with one of the PT’s there. Which I’ve wanted to do for a while just to have something a bit solid to refer to when it comes to my health.

And even if the results aren’t unexpected at all, in fact they are probably where i would expect them to be. Except a few pleasant surprises 😀

But still, suddenly having it in writing makes one think, and things got to change. The good things are that my muscle mass is actually larger than i thought, the fat % is as I would have guessed, but still way to high at 35% 🙁

And then there are a few other measurements that are just whack, so i guess it’s time to go see the doc and get a health check to be sure there isn’t anything else i should worry about.

You can see the whole test sheet here: kroppsanalyse

I actually got a bit upset after this and went for a long walk to clear my head. Which worked fine. So i now got a plan, or at least a start of something.

  1. Eat more often, which is something I’ve known about for ages but not been good at. And more of the green stuff.
  2. More cycling.

And I’m planning to start getting out for a walk in the morning before work. At Least the days when i know I’m not going to the gym anyways. I guess that if I manage to get those things to be a habit that I’ll feel the changes.

And I’ll just have to start adding my workout graph here. Was quite good today, but a bit to uneven in the first part.


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