Day 23 – 26 Victoria falls

It’s been four great days in Victoria falls. With lots of action and relaxation.

Day 23 driving to Victoria Falls
This was our long drive from Maun to Victoria falls. We got up at five thirty and was on the road by six. Like all driving days this one also had its share of action. We spotted a herd of elephants by the road, and later a lone one. One of the packs of mattresses on the Bill bus loosened and flew of so we had to do an unscheduled toilet and packing stop. Other than that the drive was uneventful.

The border crossing into Zimbabwe worked out great. “Big” Ben from Share waters meet us before the border and helped with the transition. When he told Zimbabwe border officials that two buses were coming they asked if we could wait until the day after 🙂
I guess it had been a busy day.

We drove straight to the Share waters office where we got a briefing on the activities they offered in Victoria Falls. Most of it was of course relayed to extreme sports activities like rating, bungee and bridge swing.
I did none of those, but those who did were very happy with the experience.

Day 24 first day in Victoria Falls
I started my stay with a scenic helicopter ride over the falls. The water level this time of year is very low so it’s not as spectacular as you might think. And after doing the chopper ride in Maun, this one felt a bit “tame”. We flew higher and within a closed aircraft.

In the afternoon a few of us went to the Victoria Falls Hotel for afternoon tea. This was one of the best parts of the trip so far. Excellent food, tea and a great view from the hotel.  While we ate we could see and hear the afternoon thunder rolling in. As the rain came we finished out tea and went into the lounge to listen to the piano player there. Not a second to soon either, because the high winds and rain came to slam the doors.

Day 25 walking the falls
I had nothing planned for today. The only thing I had to do was the walk along the falls. It’s a 1 to 2 km long walk along the edge of the gorge. Even with a low water level the falls look great at places. I keep relating the experience to the one I had in Iguacu, South America, so I found the Victoria Falls not to be up to that level.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing until we went on a sunset cruise on the Zambezi above the falls.

Back in town we were able to see the film that was recorded by the crew who went rafting.

Day 26 devils pool.
Another great experience, especially since it was very touch and go on whether we were able to do it or not. Apparently you have to book months before to be sure to get there. But Jenny, our Pink Caravan “tour guide”, and Share water managed to pull it through.
Six of us left camp just before lunch and heard into Zambia. Since we did this trip from Zimbabwe we first had to get a day visa into Zambia. We were driven to the Livingston Hotel where we got picked up by a boat who took us to a island on the falls edge. From there it was a quick walk, and a swim to get to the devils pool.

The devils pool is a natural rock pool on the edge of the main falls. You are able to sit on the edge and lie on the edge logging down into the fall.

A great experience, especially with a three cource lunch afterwards.

Later we went to Boma for dinner and a show. Boma for a excellent buffé and with a dance / song show.

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