Day 16
Another day on the road, but we are now heading into land with more bush and life.
Outio was our destination for the day and on the way we were able to spot the first giraff and a lot of wild hogs.
It has also been the hottest day so fare with temperatures in the high thirtys.
Ombinda Lodge, our camp for the evening is nice. The is a pool, good toilet / shower facilities and cold drinks. 🙂
The next two days will be used in Etosha national park where we hope to see a lot more animals.
Day 17
Today has been one of the most amazing days of this trip.
We actually started out quite late this morning and entered into Etosha national park at two o’clock. We entered this late so that we’ll be able to stay in the park until two the day after tomorrow.
We didn’t expect to set a lot of animals except perhaps a few zebras and springbocks. How wrong can one be. We saw elephants, two different lions resting by the road and black rhinos. First two at a distance, and then a mother and calf a bit closer.
At our camp site they’re is also a “moonlit” waterhole where you can sit and watch the animals coming to drink.
When I got there a family of elephants and two rhinos were quenching their thirst. Perhaps the same mother and child we saw earlier.
Later a few hyenas showed up, and some other small animals.
Three of the great five, in the middle of the day. What will tomorrow bring?
We’ll start out early tomorrow to be at one of the waterholes in the morning hours.
Day 18
Early morning today, after a interesting night. We had a thunderstorm rolling in last night and during the night lightning struck in /close to our camp. It has to be the loudest thunder clap I’ve heard.
Wakeup was at 0540 and straight out into the park.
We drove to one of the waterholes closest to camp. And got of to a good start when we saw a leoness.
The rest of the morning we drove around, but didn’t see a lot of new animals.
In the middle of the day we headed back to the camp site to have lunch and relax by the pool for a couple of hours.
At three er got going again, and for almost four hours we saw little or nothing. A few more rhinos and solve other small animals.
On the way to the last camp site in the park we came across two cheetas feeding on a springbok. What an end to a long and dusty day.
Tomorrow we’ll do some more sightseeing before we head out of the park and toward Botswana.
Day 19
Today we left Etosha and headed for Rondo. But not until we managed to do a little bit of safari driving. And this morning didn’t disappoint either. We were hardly out into the park when we spotted a lion family. A big male, at least two females and four cubs.
Later we encountered a couple of elephants right by the road.
Just before we had to leave the park we found another group of lions, this time resting in the shade close to the last water hole in this park.
I think we were extremely lucky the last few days and the only big cat we missed was the leopard.
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