Breakfast at seven thirty today and then down with the roof. It’s a reasonable short drive today on nice roads.
We got to San Javier around five, and went straight to the small Balduzzi Vineyard. This little gem is to be our “bush” camp for the last night on the bus. Such a perfect end.
When we got there we were greeted by the managers and taken on a tour of the small vineyard. A lot of activity going on there now since it’s harvest season. Cool to see how the lorries pull up full of grapes, dumps the load into a hoper that feeds the de stammer and then into storage tanks.
After having a look around we got to do a bit of tasting and then it was time to start planning for the evening.
Since it is our last night on the bus the roofing team is treated to a bit of snacks and good drinks. And with the sun in the sky, sitting on the bus roof overlooking the grape fields. I guess we couldn’t have gotten a better ending. Some beer, a bit of rum, some bubbly and strawberries. Quality time.
Before dinner we finished getting the roof on and then sat in the gardens enjoying the food and some more drinks.
Tomorrow we’ll head to Santiago, just stopping on the way to clean out the bus for the next trip.
Du får nyte en Kunstmann mens du er i Chile. Dei hadde ei øl som var vanvittig god 😀