Category: This and that

This and that, the occasional rant and other posts that doesn’t really fit into the rest of my blog

March 13, 2009 / / This and that

and I’ve yet to have blogged about last weekend. Guess that’s life 🙂 But the seminar was fun, drinking, playing and having fun. My order at systembolaget got messed up…

March 9, 2009 / / This and that
March 1, 2009 / / This and that
January 7, 2009 / / the blog

Do you see it ?? I hope not. Since it’s all, or at least most of it, been updates to the back end system 🙂 Since WordPress, that this page…

January 3, 2009 / / This and that

You can say what you want about the new law which is making it illegal to buy sex. But tonight is the first evening in a long time when i…