A new weekend looms :D

and I’ve yet to have blogged about last weekend. Guess that’s life 🙂

But the seminar was fun, drinking, playing and having fun. My order at systembolaget got messed up so i got a bottle of red instead of Bacardi. But I’m a bit unsure whether it was a good thing or not 😀

The rest of the week has been busy and now I’m looking forward to a quite Friday. just got to do some spinning at the gym first 🙂

Tomorrow I’m going to Aase Kristin’s place where shes having a party, guess it’s going to be a bit delayed birthday party since her birthday was on Monday. Should be good.

Hmm better be off or they are going to give away my reservation at the gym.

Have a nice weekend all !

Oh .. and another thing.

Congratulations Tomas and May Britt … They got a baby girl yesterday !

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