Category: My home

This is where I live, have a look around and see how it is evolving. Not the greatest of spaces, but I’ve got ideas, just need to find the time and money

January 28, 2009 / / My home
July 29, 2007 / / My home

Guess it’s that time again. The time to finally put something new up here. Fixing up this place goes slow and steady, slow being a keyword it seems. But at…

February 13, 2007 / / My home

Guess I’m not to good at updating this blog but here goes. I’ve no started putting the kitchen together finally. Last weekend my parents came by and we managed to…

February 2, 2007 / / My home

Small steps in my new apartment. Found that the last owner had done some stuff the easy way.

January 18, 2007 / / My home

Today was my first day actually doing something in my apartment. I started out removing the shelves which I’ll use somewhere else after I finish with the rest of the…