Time for a little update from back home.
Since Monday I’ve been at my parents place where I grew up, doing as little as possible 😀
Which means that the first ting I had to to was to mow the lawn 🙂
On Tuesday we had a little break in the rain and I managed to do a hike up to Leinehornet, the highest point on the island where I grew up (363 m.s.l.) it is quite a nice walk except that the part from my house to the main trails has not been used to much in the recent years and have almost disappeared. Which led to me being soaking wet before I was half way to the top.
When you come a bit higher the vegetation gets lover and it gets a bit easier. I was relay pleased that people seems to have started to use the old trails that I used to walk when I was a kid. The last time I went up it was almost gone to, but this time around there seems to have been quite a bit more traffic there. Which is good, that route is much nicer than the one going almost straight up the mountain.
I did the round trip in about two hours, but I like to stop and have a look around 😀
The rest of the week has been slow, which I enjoy for now. Today started out with pouring rain, but then around 6 pm it suddenly broke up and we had sun for a few hours. I used the break in the weather to go out and get a few pictures og the sun and the rain at the same time. That’s the western Norwegian summer for ya.
I’ve added a new image category today to, I’m trying to get some nice HDR images and these are some of my first tries. I’ve not focused to much on the post processing part of HDR images since I’m currently figuring out how to take good photos as a base for a good HDR image.
Have a look at the gallery here.
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