It’s day one of my first ever adventure on my own.
Back then I wrote a diary and it’s now time to look back and add this to the rest of my adventures.
Follow me as I travel through Europe, the first parts planned and then at random for almost a month.
I started out from Sarpsborg in Norway, boarding the night train to Copenhagen. It was a hot night and this mixed with this being my first trip like this ever made for a sleepless night. I didn’t get any shut eye until the train was on the ferry taking us over to Denmark.
When I arrived in Copenhagen I didn’t feel to good, tried to drink a lot, but even water tasted like shit.
My initial plan was to spend the day in Copenhagen before pushing on to Hamburg in Germany.
I started feeling slightly better going south, enjoying the warm weather on the deck of the ferry Deutchland as we got closer to Germany. I remember passing my first proper border, and suddenly having armed border officials checking papers. Growing up in Norway you don’t tend to see any officials being armed on a regular basis so I guess that’s why I remember it well today sixteen years later as I’m transferring my memories from an old book and onto these pages.
I spent the afternoon exploring Hamburg before retiring early to the backpackers I had booked.
Sleeping didn’t come easy, it was hot, windows were open and you could hear frustrated outcries from the town below. Germany had lost another match in the 2000 European Football Championship. It was also my first night in a dorm filled with guys, and shouting girls next door.
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