Category: Music

Do you play an instrument ? I play the Trombone and love it.

December 7, 2008 / / Music

And this one has been good, hectic but good. Starting out with Dj Tiësto on Friday, and yesterday we played a rather good Christmas concert with Sørkedalen brass in Sørkedalen…

December 6, 2008 / / Music
December 3, 2008 / / Music

Today I came home and saw that I got Ambis ( a magazine made by Norwegian Music Band association, that I get since I’m playing in a band) in my…

November 25, 2008 / / Music

Today I’ve been to a music store and been looking and testing new trombones. And eventually I found the one for me 🙂 It’s not actually a bomb that I…

September 26, 2008 / / Music