We are getting to the end of 2017 and my last day is spent in Santa Marta.
Day 12 – New Years celebrations
It´s the last day of the year and a very relaxed one to. We live close to the old part of town and last night the main street there was full of life. This morning it´s completely dead.
And then you walk a few blocks and get up to the main street where there is people and stalls everywhere. Here you can get everything from food and clothes to your phone fixed. And every store will blast you with load music and some guy with a loudspeaker trying to get you into a store. All this mixed with cars, busses and motorcycles honking and trying to get through.
Most of the day today was spent relaxing and waiting for our new years dinner. We started early with the celebration of the new year in Sweden, and an hour later a cheer for Iceland and Britain.
The plan was to spend the evening util midnight at the restaurant we booked. However hard chairs an not a lot of life mad us go our new years cheer there at eleven and then we walked to the beach for the proper new years cheer.
Lots of happy people again tonight.
After the beach some went home and some of us went to Parque de Los Novios. Here we had another few drinks watching the people in the street before I decided to call it a night.
Back at the hostel we sat around for a few minutes before going to bed. Before turning in I went up to the roof of the hostel to check out the hammocks there. In the end I chose to just lay down and and sleep there. “Fresh” air and the gentle sway in the top of a mango tree. Perfekt end to 2017
Day 13 – Just chill
I woke in my rooftop hammock around eight and spend an hour relaxing with my book. Then some breakfast and we went out walking fo a while.
Got some ice cream, some lunch, some more ice cream and the later dinner.
Tonight four of us decided to eat at Donde Chucho. I got a tip from one of my Colombian friends about the place and the food was wonderful. The best meal I´ve had this trip even if it was slightly more expensive than the regular places we have visited. Well worth it.
I was hoping for another night in the rooftop hammock, unfortunately the weather Gods are not with me tonight. We had a thunderstorm rolling in and I had to to for my bed instead.
Tomorrow we head to Cartagena.
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